This page is for international students and graduates of Russian universities.
It provides up-to-date information on the development of nuclear projects in Rosatom State Corporation's partner countries and potential employers, including: national nuclear agencies, scientific centers, commercial and non-profit organizations, and universities.
Bolivia is developing a program in order to establish a scientific and technological culture in the country with peaceful applications of nuclear technology, including science and technology, health, agriculture, as well as education and human resource development.
Thus, since 2015, Rosatom State Corporation has been cooperating with the Bolivian Ministry of Hydrocarbons and Energy in the peaceful uses of atomic energy. In 2016, the creation of the Center for Nuclear Research and Technology in Bolivia began in cooperation with the Design Institute (GSPI) of Rosatom Overseas Management.
32 students from Bolivia are studying at Rosatom's Russian partner universities to work in nuclear power plants. 12 people graduated from Tomsk Polytechnic University according to additional education programs. Currently, 20 students from Bolivia are studying at TPU.
Main employers
Ministry of Hydrocarbons and Energy (The organizational structure) – coordinates all key organizations of the nuclear industry in Bolivia.
Bolivian Nuclear Energy Agency (ABEN) was established with the aim of developing research and providing services for the peaceful application of nuclear technology.
Electricity and Nuclear Technology Supervision Authority of the Plurinational State of Bolivia (AETN) fulfills functions of nuclear regulatory authority. The Company monitors, supervises and controls activities related to electricity generation and nuclear technologies, guaranteeing that the interests and rights of consumers are met and ensured.
Universidad Autónoma Tomás Frías или UATF
Yacimientos de Litio Bolivianos
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The Rooppur NPP of the Republic of Bangladesh needs to be improved and modern personnel development. Since 2012, Russian universities, including TPU, have been training specialists from Bangladesh in cooperation with Rosatom for the construction and operation of nuclear power plants.
According to data for 2022, more than 20 students from Bangladesh are studying at Russian universities in nuclear fields.
Main employers
Ministry of science and technology of the PRB (MOST) coordinates scientific and technical activities and the development of nuclear energy in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC) is a government body responsible for promoting and developing the peaceful uses of atomic energy and the development of nuclear power. The general activity of the Rooppur NPP construction project takes place on the basis of BAEC's research institutes and laboratories.
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority (BAERA) is an independent nuclear regulator. It monitors adverse reactions in the environment and guarantees radiation protection of the population and employees of the organization.
Nuclear Power Plant Company Bangladesh Limited (NPCBL) is intended to be the operating organization of the Rooppur NPP.
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC)
Institute of Medical Nuclear Physics
Institute on biological tissues and materials research
Institute of nuclear minerals
Radiactive Waste Managment Company (RWMC)
ROOPPUR Nuclear Power Plant
Atomic Energy Research Establishment (AERE)
Centers of Nuclear Energy (Dhaka, Chittagong)
Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology
Dhaka University
Military University
Pabna University of Science and Technology
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The El-Dabaa NPP of the Republic of Egypt needs qualified specialists for the construction, design and operation of technical equipment. In addition, they are looking for administrative and scientific personnel who will make a great contribution to the implementation of Egypt's plan to develop the personnel potential of the nuclear power plant.
Since 2008, Atomstroyexport, a management company of Rosatom, has been the general contractor for the construction of the nuclear power plants in the Arab Republic. The project involves the construction of four power units with VVER-1200 reactors.
79 students from Egypt have already graduated from Russian partner universities of Rosatom (13 of them studied at Tomsk Polytechnic University). More than 50 Egyptians are currently studying in the nuclear and atomic fields of higher education.
Main employers
Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority
Nuclear Power Plants Authority, NPPA
Ministry of Higher education and scientific research
Ministry of Health and Population (Egypt)
Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy provides all consumers throughout the country with electric power.
Nuclear Power Plants Authority (NPPA) is authority responsible for NPP construction and operation for electric power generation and water desalination.
Egyptian Nuclear and Radiological Regulation Authority (ENRRA) is an independent regulatory authority (ENRRA) that regulates and controls work related to nuclear and radiation activities. ENRRA has all authorities required for the main regulatory and control functions of the nuclear and radiological activities in order to protect people, property and environment from harmful effects of ionizing radiation, as well as safeguards and security.
Nuclear Materials Authority (NMA) The company specializes in the research, search, exploration and production of nuclear materials, as well as the processing and extraction of nuclear materials from their ores, their production, export or import
Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) Formulating ecological policy, setting priorities and implementing incentives in the field of sustainable development.
Egyptian Electricity Holding Company (EEHC)
The company is liable for all aspects of power generation, transmission and distribution in Egypt.
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Nuclear science and technology are actively developing in Zambia. Together with Russian organizations, Zambian specialists design and construction of power and research reactors and particle accelerators, as well as conduct fundamental and applied research in the field of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, power, production of radioisotopes and their application in medicine and agriculture.
Since 2017, the Center for Nuclear Science and Technology has been under construction in Zambia in cooperation with the Design Institute (GSPI) of Rosatom Overseas Management.
The development of scientific and energy industries in Zambia requires human resources. In 2021, Russian universities graduated 70 Zambian students. Currently, there are 60 students studying now, 2 of them at Tomsk Polytechnic University.
Main employers
Центр ядерных исследований и технологий в г.Лусаке Centre For Nuclear Science And Technology
Организация по реализации ядерно-энергетической программы (Nuclear Energy Programme Implementing Organization (NEPIO
Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Zambia aims to promote research and innovation in the field of science and technology to increase the commercialization and market introduction of research and innovation products.
Ministry of Labour and Social Security
Environmental Managment Agency
Ministry of Water Development and Sanitation
Committee for Education, Science, and Technology
Zambia Atomic Energy Agency (ZAMATOM) The general purpose of the Atomic Energy Agency is to act as a special mechanism for coordinating all activities for the peaceful use of nuclear energy and to coordinate the construction of two major development facilities: The Centerfor Nuclear Science and Technology (CNST), including a research reactor and a nuclear power plant
Radiation Protection Authority (RPA) of the Republic of Zambia is a regulatory body under the Ministry of Technology and Science. RPA protects the people and the environment from the harmful effects of radiation.
Environmental Council of Zambia
Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority
Ministry of Labour and Social Security (Zambia)
Cancer Deseases Hospital (CDH)
Zambia Medical Association (ZMA)
Health Professional Council of Zambia (HPCZ)
National Public Health Institute
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According to the National Energy Programme of Uzbekistan and the Agreements, it is planned to construct NPP with two VVER-1200 power units, 1.2 GW capacity each (total capacity is 2.4 GW), and the NPP will be located (as per preliminary considerations) near Tuzkan Lake in the Jizzakh region. For this purpose, the Government of the Republic has put forward a number of tasks, including training personnel, and creating a human resources reserve.
They are looking for specialists to work in production, teachers and researchers at universities and research centers.
In 2024, 2 students from Uzbekistan are studying at TPU for nuclear programs.
Main employers
Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan organizes a system of training, retraining and professional development of personnel required for the operation of nuclear facilities, as well as abroadJoint stock company "O'zenergoinjiniring"
Agency for the Development of Nuclear Energy (UZATOM) is an organization responsible for developing and implementing a unified state policy and strategic directions in the field of development and use of nuclear energy.
State Committee on Industrial Safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Goskomprombez responsibles for the implementation of a unified state policy and control in the field of ensuring radiation and nuclear safety at nuclear power and nuclear technology facilities, as well as in the field of industrial safety at hazardous production facilities
Academy of sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Branch of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI in TashkentMinistry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Ministry of economy and finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climat change of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Ministry of Mining Industry and Geology of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Ministry of Emergency Situations
Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan
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Ministry of energy of the republic of belarus (minenergo)
Republican Unitary Enterprise Belarusian nuclear power plant
Department for nuclear and radiation safety of the ministry for emergency situations of the republic of
State Scientific Institution "The Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research – Sosny
International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University
Belarusian National Technical University (BNTU)
The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB)
Nuclear and Energy Research Institute
Autoridade Nacional de Segurança Nuclear, ANSN
Committee for the Development of the Brazilian Nuclear Program, CDPNB
Eletrobras Termonuclear SA, ELETRONUCLEAR
Indústrias Nucleares do Brasil S.A., INB
Nuclebrás Equipamentos Pesados S.A, (NUCLEP)
Agencia Brasileño-Argentina de Contabilidad y Control de Materiales Nucleares, ABACC
The Ministry of Mines and Energy
Министерство горнодобывающей промышленности и энергетики Бразилии
UNIFESP Federal University of São Paulo
UFRJ: The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Rosatom Regional Center in Rio de Janeiro
Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant
Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)
Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB)
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL)
Uranium Corporation of India Limited (UCIL)
Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL)
Bhartiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Limited (BHAVINI)
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC)
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR)
Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research (AMD)
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Research (RRCAT)
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC)
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR)
Institute for Plasma Research (IPR)
Board of Research for Nuclear Sciences BRNS
National atomic company Kazatompron
Kazakhstan nuclear power plants
National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Institute of Nuclear Physics, National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Institute of geophysical research National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Almaty вranch of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
Ministry of Innovation and Technology (Ethiopia)
Ethiopian Radiation Protection Authority (ERPA)
Ministry of Water and Energy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Department of Mineral Resources and Energy, DMRE
Department of International Relations and Cooperation, DIRCO
Department of Trade, Industry and Cooperation, DTIC
South African Nuclear Energy Corporation, NECSA
National Nuclear Regulator, NNR
National Radioactive Waste Disposal Institute, NRWDI
Lesedi Nuclear Services (Pty) Ltd
University of the Witwatersrand
Southern African Institute for Nuclear Technology and Sciences, SAINTS
Tomsk Polytechnic University is the main university of the Rosatom State Corporation. With Rosatom's support, TPU has created a complex of international nuclear educational programs. Students from more than 20 countries around the world have studied and are studying in these programs. Among them are Egypt, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Bolivia, Ghana and many others.
Tomsk Polytechnic University graduates include employees of national atomic energy commissions and medical centers, university professors, and representatives of nuclear industry companies.