
TPU Logo


Designing a logo

Geometric logo shape

It is not allowed:

  • to change the proportions of the logo elements;
  • to change the distances between elements.

Protection logo area

It is not allowed:

  • to change the size and proportions of the field;
  • to color the field and graphical highlighting of the field boundaries;
  • to place graphic elements and images in the field.

Color scheme

Primary colors

СМYК (75,0,100,0), RGB (40,190,70)

СМYК (0,0,0,100), RGB (0,0,0)

осн цвета.jpg
Complementary colors
These ones are used as additional background colors, boxes, corners, headings in text, tables and in graphical presentation of data.

СМYК (0,33,93,0), RGB (255,182,0)

СМYК (0,84,45,0), RGB (255,68,96)

СМYК (72,59,0,0), RGB (101,115,255)

доп цвета.jpg

Adaptation to Designing technology (in case of restricted chromaticity)

Achromatic variants
There are special achromatic variants for placing the logo on a bright background.
They are used on souvenirs, in commercials and social media. 5.png
Monochrome variants
Monochrome variants are designed to reproduce the logo in one color on a contrasting background. They are used when it is not possible to apply the full color version.

When monochrome variant is placed on a light background, it variant can be repainted green. 7.png
When the logo is placed on a dark background, it is repainted in white or green.
It is allowed to place a black or white monochrome version on a green background.

TPU Corporate Font

Corporate block
A corporate font is an important identity element that is used in the texts layout for business documentation and in the design of information and promotional products. For these tasks, the ALS Sirius font is used in Regular and Bold styles.

Regular style is used in main and accompanying texts.10.png
Bold style is used in headings. 11.png

Fonts for school logo
A special TPU font (ALS TPU) is used in school names. The font has only uppercase characters, so the text should be typed with a 80–100 spacing.
Additional fonts
If the use of the main font is impossible or difficult for some reason, you should use the public Arial font in Regular and Bold styles.
Horizontal block
горизонтальный блок 2.png
Additional styles
доп начертания 1.png

доп начертания 3.png

School Logo

The letter T fr om the cubes remains unchanged. Abstract forms are added to the side sections and reflect the specialization of the school.

The color palette preserves the individuality and identity of the schools. The shape of the logos enhances the continuity of the schools.

Corporate contrast allows logos to be read well on various media with different viewing angles.

Compact variant
Variants are used wh ere the link with TPU is clear from the context of use or location.

logo-na-angl_1_page-0001 (1).jpg

The horizontal location of the logo implies the following rules:

The text block of the name should not be higher than the TPU logo vertical block.

It is not allowed:

  • to change the size and proportions of the field;
  • to color the field and graphical highlighting of the field boundaries;
  • to place graphic elements and images in the field.
Vertical variant
logo-na-angl_page-0001 (1).jpg

Business Card Templates

Business card (Size – 86*54 mm)

vizitka-angl-gor-01 1.jpg

vert-angl-01 1.jpg

TPU Coat of Arms

TPU Coat of arms is a historical symbol
  • It is not used in business documents and promotional materials.
  • It is used in education diplomas, publications about the TPU history, interior decorations of historical buildings.
  • Primary purpose is ceremonial use.

More information and additional materials you can find on the Russian version of the TPU website