
Academic Calendar

The current academic calendar is aimed to give general information about the time frame of the academic year at TPU. It tends to begin on September 1.

If you are enrolled in the pre-university course, you should consult a specialist of International Admission Office since your academic plan can differ from the standard one.

Standard academic year calendar

1.   1-8 weeks: fall semester (the first semi-semester).

2.   9th week: the first conference-week. Within this week students undergo intermediate semester attestation of all courses, specified in the fall academic plan (that mean report presentations, individual assignments, participation in mini-conferences, etc.).

3.   10-17 weeks: fall semester (the second semi-semester).

4.   18th week: the second conference week. Within this week students undergo intermediate semester attestation of all courses, specified in the fall academic plan (that means tests, pass-fail exams, presentation of term work, etc.).

5.   19th week: Russia’s public holidays.

6.   20-21 weeks: winter end-of-semester exams.

7.   22-23 weeks: winter break.

8.   24-31 weeks: spring semester (the first semi-semester).

9.   32nd week: the third conference week. Within this week students undergo intermediate semester attestation of all courses, specified in the spring academic plan (that mean report presentations, individual assignments, participation in mini-conferences, etc.).

10.  33-40 weeks: spring semester (the second semi-semester).

11.  41st week: the fourth conference week. Within this week students undergo intermediate semester attestation of all courses, specified in the fall academic plan (that means tests, pass-fail exams, presentation of term work, etc.).

12.  42-43(44) weeks: summer end-of-year exams.

13.  44(45)-48 weeks: practical training and internships.

14.  48-52 weeks: summer break.

The list of official public holidays

The following public holidays are non-working days in Russia.

1-6 and 8th of January New Year Holidays
7th of January Christmas (Orthodox Church)
23rd of February Defender of the Fatherland Day
8th of March International Women's Day
1st of May International Workers' Day
9th of May Victory Day
12th June Russia Day
4th of November National Unity Day

If you have any further questions, please contact the University International Admission Office.