
Student Art Clubs

TPU is not only about education, but also about creativity. For students, a number of creative teams work at the TPU International Cultural Center. There, our students can realize their ideas, try themselves as event coordinators, presenters, administrators, animators, designers, artists, etc.

Pay attention
You can contact us by email at or by phone at +7 (953) 910-61-96 if you have any general questions about the work of creative teams or any student initiatives.

Classes and rehearsals of the creative teams at TPU are held at RC—Rehearsal Center of ICC, 13V Usova Street, entrance from the back side of the building.


Roman A. Kolbin

Roman A. Kolbin

Head of Theater Studio 

Ludmila F. Travkina

Ludmila F. Travkina

Art director 

Opera Singing School of Ludmila Travkina, People’s Artist of Russia 
Address International Culture Center, RC №21, 13V Usova Street
Tatiana I. Bychkova

Tatiana I. Bychkova

Art director 

Restless Hearts - TPU staff and labor veterans ensemble
Address International Culture Center, RC №1, 13V Usova Street
Maxim M. Myasoedov

Maxim M. Myasoedov

Art director and founder 

Dominant - Student Musical Union

Address International Culture Center, RC №2, 13V Usova Street
Ekaterina V. Sulema

Ekaterina V. Sulema

Art director and founder 

Dance TPU Community

Address International Culture Center - RC №5, 13V Usova Street