
TPU Museums

Entry to the TPU Museums is free. A visit is available for groups only. We encourage visitors to set an appointment by phone in advance.

Memorial Room of Academicians-Geologists V. Obruchev, M. Usov

Office 208, building No. 1, 73 Sovetskaya Street, Tomsk
+7 (3822) 70-56-71
The Room is rich in prerevolutionary publications of technical literature, collections of physical and chemical devices and other memorials on the history of technical education in Siberia. The unique library on geology and geography of many continents is available in the Memorial Room of academicians-geologists V. Obruchev, M. Usov. Books, atlases published in England, Germany, and other countries in 19th century, plus terrestrial globe still without Antarctica were collected by V. Obruchev. Historical furniture, expedition subjects, and equipment that belong to days of Prof. Obruchev (1901–1912) open up all traits of Obruchev's personality as an outstanding scientist, teacher, and explorer. A significant part of the exhibition is devoted to Mikhail A. Usov, an extraordinary Obruchev's student, who became the first academician in Siberia. An exciting story of the guide about these great scientists and their contribution to the development of Tomsk Technological Institute (TPU) would complete your impressions.

Museum of TPU History

Offices 315, 320, 321, Main building, 30 Lenin Avenue, Tomsk
+7 (3822) 70-56-71
The History Museum of Tomsk Polytechnic University is located on the third floor of the Main building. The museum includes two exhibition rooms. The first is devoted to university history since its foundation until the 1990s. There are credit books of the first students of Tomsk Institute of Technology or historical student uniform you can try on. This room keeps the most of the exhibit items, starting with the 2240-page textbook from 1910, to models of the first synchrotron Sirious, the betatron, and the automatic lunar station Luna-16. During the tour, you will find out about the most important technologies, developed at TPU, which advanced both Russian and the world science, and laid a foundation of modern education.

The second room is dedicated to the contemporary stage of the University history, back to the moment TPU was named National Research University. You will find out about activities and technologies of the research and engineering Institutes of Tomsk Polytechnic University, see models of the nuclear reactor and TPU campus. For prospective students visiting the museum is a great opportunity to discover the glorious history of the university, learn more about a wide range of TPU educational programs, and make the right choice.

Mineralogical Museum

Offices 205, 206, building No. 1, 73 Sovetskaya Street, Tomsk
+7 (3822) 70-56-71
Mineralogical Museum was founded in 1901 by professor Zaitsev. The first collection consisted of minerals brought from Germany by Krantz Company. At the same time, scientists, engineers, businessmen, educational institutions, and public organizations of Siberia and Russia gifted samples to the Museum. Currently, the museum collection includes 12,000 units, many of them are unique. During the tour, you will find out about various properties of minerals including magic ones. You undoubtedly will like a variety of semi-precious and precious stones, exhibited at the museum.

Discover many interesting facts that you haven't even imagined. For example, why pyrite is called "fools gold". Discover a fascinating world of mineralogy together with TPU museum.

Museum of Physics

Offices 209, building No. 3, 43 Lenin Avenue, Tomsk
+7 (3822) 70-56-71
Museum of Physics is located in the building No. 3 of Tomsk Polytechnic University. The museum has two rooms. In the first one is a cabinet with furniture from the late 19th - early 20th century, various mechanisms, and rare devices of that time. Among the unique items, you can find a globe of the Moon, a bench Zhukovsky, and others. The second room is a classroom for undergraduate and graduate students. There are both contemporary and old devices. Their coexistence in one room perfectly demonstrates the true evolution of technical thought. For example, the museum displays various communication devices. During the tour, we will both describe the operating principles of these devices and show them in action. The museum will help physicists upgrade their knowledge and perhaps learn something new. For poets, it is a unique opportunity to discover the wonderful world of technology and find out that physics can be interesting and exciting.

Paleontology Museum

Office 204, building No. 1, 73 Sovetskaya Street, Tomsk
+7 (3822) 70-56-71

Paleontology Museum was founded by professor Yanishevsky in 1901. He purchased monograph collections of all foreign countries delivered by the German Krantz Company. The major resources of this Museum are about 3,000 units and include the following collections:

  • Flora of Kuzbass - by Maria Parfenova;
  • Flora of Irkutsk, Cheremhovskiy coal basin, Chulymo-Yenisei region, Kazakhstan - by Ivan Lebedev;
  • Brachiopods, mollusks - by Michail Janishevski;
  • Trilobites, brachiopods, mollusks, flora - by Leontyi Halfin;
  • Trilobites - the author's collection of Alexander Sivov and Ivan Koptev.

The exposition is presented following the generally adopted classification:

  • Paleobotany: psilophytes, pteridophytes, pinofity, and magnoliofity;
  • Paleozoology: protozoa, sponges, archeocyathids, goad, echinoderms, brachiopods, arthropods, mollusks, worms, bryozoans, graptolites, and chordates.

The museum exchange fund includes:

  • Psilophytes (Minusinsk intermontane basin);
  • Kordaity (Kuznetsk basin);
  • Archaeocytes (Batenevsky Ridge);
  • Brachiopoda type: Spiriferida (D2 - Acrospirifer), Pentamerida (D2 - Conchidium), and Atrypida (S - D).