Additional professional retraining program “Interpreter in the field of professional communication” (Russian language).
A unique educational program, which was created specifically for foreign students. Studying on the program allows foreign students and graduates of universities of both linguistic and non-linguistic specialties and areas to improve their knowledge of Russian as a foreign language, to form translation skills in the language pair “Russian language - native language” and learn how to apply them in their professional activities.
Program alumni will:
have well-grounded knowledge of Russian language and confident communication skills;
be able to successfully pursue graduate and postgraduate degrees, participate in international scientific projects;
work as interpreters in their professional field.
Received document: diploma of professional development in the established standard form.
Qualification: the Russian language interpreter in the field of professional communication.
Audience category: foreign students, undergraduates, graduate students, foreign citizens who have higher and/or secondary vocational education.
The level of Russian language required for admission to the program: B1 and above in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Volume and duration of the program: 1,500 hours, 2.5 years (5 semesters).Contact person

Tatyana B. Frik
program manager, associate professor of the Russian Language Department at the TPU School of Core Engineering Education
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