Migration information for International Students of TPU
Documents required for staying in the Russian Federation
Under the law of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens may move freely within the territory of the Russian Federation with the following documents:
Passport with a valid visa;
Migration card;
It is enough to have copies of these documents while staying in Tomsk. We also recommend you to have Student’s card and Dormitory pass on.
Migration registration
Under the law of the Russian Federation, a foreign citizen must be registered by the Migration Service of the Russian Federation. For this purpose, after every arriving to Tomsk you should present the following documents to International Students Office — Main building, office 332 (here and after — MB, office 332), during 3 days:
Migration card;
A ticket to Tomsk.
After this procedure, you will be given the paper of registration, which you must keep carefully together with the migration card.

- State Border crossing;
- Coming from any city of Russia;
- Hotel/hostel accommodation;
- A change of dormitory;
- Passport prolongation or reissuing.
- If you plan to rent a flat, you must be registered by the flat owner. It is forbidden to live in the rented accommodation without being registered there.
- A hand-carried paper of registration becomes void in cases of:
- Another state border crossing;
- Another hotel/hostel accommodation (if you were registered there);
- Change of dormitory.
Departure and entry to the Russian Federation
Before the departure you should inform the staff of MB, office 332, about leaving. In cases of completion of training, expulsion, study leave you must fill in a Departure list control and return it to MB, office 332, before leaving.

After arrival you must present the documents for registration again by means of the instruction described above.
Visa prolongation
For the purpose of visa prolongation you should present listed documents to MB, office 332, at least 6 weeks prior to the visa expiry date:
Paper of registration;
Migration card;
1 photo (3,5х4,5сm) made on dull paper, colored or black-white, no glasses;
A state fee payment receipt for Multi-entry visa (1,600 rub, payment via Sberbank);
For exchange students:
- A copy of study contract (you may take it at International Students Office — Main building, office 333)
For other students:
A copy of study contract;
A copy of Study assignment from Ministry of Education (in Russian — копия направления на обучения от Министерства образования) (in case of state-funded education);
* You may take copies of a contract and an assignment at Student Support Center (United Dean's Office, in Russia — Единый деканат) (University Library, office 206) or Personnel Office (Main building, office 122).
NB! Passport requirements:
- Keep your passport properly. In case of its damage, you might be rejected providing a visa.
The passport must have at least two blank pages.
The passport valid for at least 6 months prior to your visa validity is required.
- If you renew the passport at the Embassy of your country in the Russian Federation, you must get new registration in TPU and replace/renew the visa. In this case you must collect the documents listed above and bring all together to MB, office 332, during 1 – 2 days after passport renovation.
Expulsion and study leave
Under the law of the Russian Federation expulsion and study leave are the reasons for visa term reduction. In this case you must apply for Exit visa and leave the Russian Federation.
For the purpose of applying for Exit visa, you should present listed documents to MB, office 332, 3 weeks prior to leaving Russia:
Paper of registration;
Migration card;
1 photo (3,5х4,5сm) made on dull paper, colored or black-white, no glasses;
A state fee payment receipt for Exit visa (1,000 rub, payment via Sberbank );
A copy of the ticket (ticket issue date should be accorded with the experts at MB, office 332).
Loss of passport, registration, migration card
If you lost the passport:
To reissue the passport you should proceed as follows:
To file an application for loss of passport to Police Department and get there a Police certificate about passport loss.
To present the following documents to Migration Department (in Russian — Отдел по вопросам миграции ОМВД России по Кировскому району г. Томска) (Uchebnaya Street, office 9) to issue a Certificate for departure to the Embassy of your country for the purpose of passport reissuance:
- Police certificate about passport loss;
- 2 photo (3,5х4,5сm) made on dull paper, colored or black-white, no glasses;
- a copy of the lost passport (if available).
- To apply for reissuing passport to Embassy of your country;
- To apply for reissuing visa to MB, office 332.
If you lost the registration or migration card:
You should present the following documents to Migration Department (in Russian — Отдел по вопросам миграции ОМВД России по Кировскому району г. Томска) (Uchebnaya Street, office 9):
Passport translation signed and stamped by notary.
Responsibility for violation of migration legislation
According to the law of Russian Federation, you are personally responsible in cases of violation of migration legislation. Here are few of them:
Violation of State border crossing;
Loss of the term for registration;
Loss of the term for visa prolongation;
Loss of the term for departure from the Russian Federation (in case of expiry of visa validity);
Illegal employment.
The basic statutory enactments in the field of migration legislation of the Russian Federation:
Federal Law No.114-FZ, dated 15 August, 1996, "On the Procedure for Leaving the Russian Federation and Entering the Russian Federation" (№114-ФЗ от 15.08.1996г. "О порядке выезда из РФ и въезда в РФ");
Federal Law No.115-FZ, dated 25 July, 2002, “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation” (№115-ФЗ от 25.07.2002г. "О правовом положении иностранных граждан в РФ");
Federal Law No. 109-FZ, dated 18 July, 2006, "On Migration Registration of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Russian Federation") №109-ФЗ от 18.07.2006г. "О миграционном учете иностранных граждан и лиц без гражданства в РФ";
Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 859 dated November 16, 2017, "On Approval of Administrative regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on Provision of the State Service in Registration, Issue, Prolongation of Effective Period and Recovery of Visas to Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons" (Приказ МВД России №859 от 16.11.2017г. "Об утверждении Административного регламента Министерства внутренних дел Российской Федерации по предоставлению государственной услуги по оформлению, выдаче, продлению срока действия, восстановлению и по исполнению государственной функции по аннулированию виз иностранным гражданам и лицам без гражданства").
State Border crossing and coming Tomsk;
Coming from any city of Russia;
A change of dormitory;
- Passport prolongation or reissuing.