TPU is an active participant in major experiments on the International Space Station.
TPU R&D projects in Space Technology:
Roman Laptev
Associate Professor, Division for Experimental Physics, School of Nuclear Science and Engineering
- Analysis of radiation resistance of perspective space-purpose materials by positron annihilation spectroscopy.
Valery Krivobokov
Head of Weinberg Research Center
- Methods of plasma-enhanced deposition of modifying coatings on spacecraft materials and parts.
Svetlana Buyakova
Professor, Division for Materials Science, School of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- Development of thermal protection elements for rockets and spacecrafts and their power systems.
Evgeny Kolubaev
Professor, Division for Mechanical Engineering, School of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- Methods of micro- and macrostructural design of 3D materials with a multilevel structure, using the methods of nonstationary metallurgy, principles of formation of multilevel heterogeneous materials, obtained by methods of nonstationary metallurgy in additive manufacturing of spacecraft parts.
Viktor Sergeev
Professor, Division for Mechanical Engineering, School of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- New special structural materials for advanced rocket and space technology products.
- Magnetron deposition of nanocomposite protective coatings for porthole glasses of spacecraft.
- Multilevel thermal protective coatings with high thermal cyclic resistance for advanced rocket and space technology products.
Vasily Klimenov
Head of Division for Materials Science, School of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- Development of metal, polymer and ceramic-based composites with enhanced mass-strength properties and radiation resistance for structures, including those for small spacecrafts, using additive technologies.
- Vibration testing of elements and structures and the effects of space factors.
Egor Kashkarov
Head of TPU Laboratory of Advanced Materials and Safety of Hydrogen Systems, School of Nuclear Science and Engineering
- Space Materials Science.
- High-strength ceramic composites based on MAX-phases and preceramic paper-derived silicon carbide.
Oleg Khasanov
Professor, Division for Materials Science, School of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
Vladimir Vavilov
Head of TPU R&D Laboratory for Thermal Testing, School of Non-Destructive Testing
Vasily Fedorov
Head of TPU R&D Laboratory Modern (Advanced) Manufacturing Technology ,School of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- Additive technologies in space exploration.
- 3D printing for spacecraft parts.
Sergey Gayvoronskiy
Associate Professor, Division for Automation and Robotics, School of Computer Science & Robotics
- Development of weight compensation control systems for spacecraft links deployed on a benches simulating weightlessness.