Russian-Chinese Laboratory for Radiation Control and Inspection was created in partnership with PowerScan Ltd (Beijing, China) according to the University rector order No. 89/od on 09.09.2014, on the basis of the Academic Council decision No. 6 dated 05.30.2014.
In 2016, the Russian-Chinese laboratory affiliated the Laboratory of Technical Tomography and Introscopy which was established in 2010 by merging departments No. 10, No. 84 and laboratory No. 82 of Scientific Research Institute of Introscopy that existed from day of Institute foundation in 1968.
- Fundamental and applied scientific research in region of radiation control and inspection;
- Attraction of financing of fundamental and applied scientific research in radiation control region at the expense of participation in federal, departmental and other grant programs, and also carry out economic contracts with business of real sector of economics;
- Presentation of research and design results on special places (conferences, exhibitions, symposiums, scientific and technical councils and so on) with Russian and international scopes;
- Publication of laboratory activity results in leading world thematic editions;
- Organization of international consortiums to execute works in problem branches;
- Execution of study and research works by students, execution graduation qualification tests, research for dissertation, carry out on base of RCSL RCI under leadership of laboratory workers;
- Other functions realization intra vires in correspond to purposes and jobs of RCSL RCI of NDT Institute.
Priority Directions of Research
Develoment and production of hardware and software for systems of betatron and digital radiography. The base activity directions of laboratory are: radiational introscopy, radiational albedo control, automation of radiational inspection results, dual-energy method for the high-energy X-ray sources.
- "PowerScan Ltd" (China, Beijing);
- Institute TSNK MSTU MIREA (Russian Federation, Moscow);
- OAO "Gasprom Transgas Tomsk";
- All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials (Russian Federation, Moscow);
- D.V.Efremov Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus (Russian Federation, Sankt-Peterburg);
- OAO "Tomskneft" (Russian Federation, Strejevoy);
- OAO "Tyumen mashinostroiteli" (Russian Federation, Tyumen);
- Locomotive depot RZD (Russian Federation, Kemerovo);
- FGUP "Vargashi Factory PPSO" (Russian Federation, Kurgan);
- ZAO "INOKAR" (Russian Federation, Perm);
- OAO "Kurganchimmash" (Russian Federation, Kurgan);
- NPO «Altay» (Russian Federation, Biisk);
- Federal Nuclear Center (Russian Federation, Sarov);
- Federal Nuclear Center (Russian Federation, Snejinsk);
Contact person

Chakhlov Sergei Vladimirovich
Head of Lab.
Ph.D. Phys.-Math.