
The latest achievements of the Nuclear Research Reactor:

  • Established a training center for international specialists in the nuclear industry.
  • Developed and implemented methods for monitoring state and dynamics of environmental pollution.
  • Developed a scientific basis of detectors for fast and thermal neutrons based on single-crystal silicon.
  • Developed and implemented methods for obtaining new materials with specified properties (analysis and doping of pure and highly pure substances, production of radiopharmaceuticals for the early diagnosis of oncological, cardiological, and other diseases).
  • Developed and implemented a wasteless technology for production of technetium-99m sorption generators based on enriched molybdenum-98 to meet the needs of nuclear medicine throughout the Siberian and Far Eastern regions.
  • Developed and implemented methods for obtaining crystalline substances with specified optical properties. In 1986, in the framework of an innovative program for development of the Soviet electrotechnical industry the reactor team developed the Neutron Transmutation Doping (NTD) of silicon ingots with a diameter of up to 128 mm. The main indicator of the quality of NTD is uniform doping, which is not inferior to the best world analogs: radial non-uniformity of doping is less than 3%, volumetric - less than 5%. Currently, TPU reactor carries out 2% of the world volume of silicon doping.
  • Developed a scientific basis for modification of optical properties of natural crystals.
  • Developed a set of methods for radiochemical decomposition of carbon-containing materials.
  • Designed and produced an experimental device for detecting Pi-meson emission under stimulated fission of U235 nuclei by neutrons in a nuclear reactor. TPU found out the strongest restriction on the probability of emission of neutron pions under stimulated fission of U235 nuclei by neutrons, that is Pm/Pg <= 5.310–12 with the confidence level of 90%.
  • For the first time, the reactor team studied gamma - rays spectrum in the energy range 10-100 MeV, happened under stimulated fission of U235 nuclei by neutrons in a nuclear reactor. The experimental data have not confirmed any theoretical models, describing emission of gamma quanta in the energy range between 30–100 MeV due to the coherent bremsstrahlung of fission fragments in the Coulomb field. The results obtained are registered in the IAEA database.
результаты 12.jpg The reactor team is developing a technology for coloring topaz to in the sky-blue, which are so popular with women